A trusted resource for women planning alternative families

Donor Catalog Search

Welcome to our donor search feature. Search below for key characteristics you may desire in a donor. If no exact match is found, your search results will also include an expanded list of donors you may wish to consider.

Please use a compatible web browser to download any purchased donor products. Compatible browsers are Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Firefox is not compatible.

View entire donor catalog
Want to see more donors? Visit our sister sperm bank Fairfax Cryobank.

If you already know the number of a donor for whom you would like to see a short profile, please enter it here.


See PRS Donor Updates

Starting in 2018, PRS donors are being asked for updates about their health, the health of their relatives and any profession or education updates since they were a donor.

Find Donors with Videos and Adult Photos

The list of donors with both videos and adult photos now available are:

The list of donors with adult photos only are: #788, #6171, #6560, #6565, #6739, #6882, #6977, #7312, #7391, #7887, #8302, #9389, #9658, and #9759.
