A trusted resource for women planning alternative families

Preparing To Make A Sperm Deposit

These instructions will help you prepare to make a sperm deposit of your best possible quality for sperm count and motility. Please don’t hesitate to call and ask for the Clinician or Lab Tech if you have any questions.

Prior to your sperm deposit:

1. Sperm deposits are done by appointment in order to assure a lab technician is available to process your specimen.

2. After ejaculation, your sperm count is lower for a couple of days, so a two to three day abstinence from ejaculation is recommended prior to your deposit for the best results.

  • If possible, please masturbate or have sex with a partner and ejaculate three days prior to your appointment.
  • Then, please abstain from any sexual activity until your appointment.

3. Ask to speak with the clinician if you :

  • Have a cold, flu, or other viral illness.
  • Have a sore on your penis.
  • Have discharge from your penis.
  • Have symptoms of, or have come into contact with a sexually transmitted disease.

At the time of your sperm deposit:

1. Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before donating.

2. Open the sterile, plastic cup before beginning, so it will be easily accessible when ejaculation occurs. If the seal on the cup is already broken, please ask for another cup.

3. Try to collect the entire ejaculate in the cup. If any spills occur, be sure to tell one of the lab staff.

4. Do not collect more than one ejaculate, as that will dilute the specimen.

5. Please take your specimen to the lab after it has been collected.


1. The first business day after you make your initial deposit, our laboratory technician will thaw a small fraction of the frozen sample and examine it to determine the number of motile sperm and quality of motility.

2. Our clinician will contact you with the results of this post thaw examination and discuss options for additional sperm deposits that are suitable for your circumstances.

3. In cases where results of the post-thaw exam show low sperm count and/or motility, we will not be able to determine the cause simply by examining the semen. However, we will be glad to refer you to a specialist if you wish to investigate the cause of such a result.